Saturday, January 30, 2010

"Saw - III"

Saw III, a dying Jigsaw is bedridden and extremely concerned over Amanda Young's failure to allow her subjects a fair chance to survive her tests. In his desperation, Jigsaw administers a final test to Young, in order to see if she was truly capable of successfully carrying on his work.

Being kept alive by
Dr. Lynn Denlon, a test subject who is forced to perform brain surgery on Jigsaw at the risk of dying by her own trap, Jigsaw attempts to keep Young from failing her test.

However, after she breaks down, Young shoots Dr. Denlon. Witnessing this,
Jeff Reinhart, Dr. Denlon's vengeful husband who is also being tested, kills Young with a gunshot to her neck.

After explaining the rules of a final game to Reinhart, Jigsaw is mortally wounded when Reinhart slices his throat with a power saw.

As he dies, Jigsaw pulls out a tape player and plays a recording explaining that he is responsible for the abduction of Corbett, Reinhart's daughter, and that if he wants her back he'll have to participate in another game.

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